Sunday, February 22, 2009

Looking for the bright side of life...

Last week, the staff at our school received the news about one of our first graders. A very sweet child that adores comes to my clinic to sleep because his baby brothers cries at night and wakes him up. He goes for a week without coming ion to see me but then the next week it is every day. His mother died before he entered kindergarten and he lives with grandparents but now they have separated. He is very far behind in his learning but I believe he tries to the best of his ability. Last Thursday, we were told he had an egg size tumor removed from his occiptal lobe of his brain. As of Friday, he was awake but could not see. I know nothing more at this time. My heart is broken for this child as he has endured more in his short life then I have in my almost 43 years. I know in my heart that you have to cherish each day you are given because it is a gift that you have given but my head tells me this is not fair.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Another school accomplishment!

Out of 904 students in the sophomore class at Spring High School, Brandy is ranked 157. She moved up from #197 last year in the freshman class. Daddy says she can still do better!!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Honor Roll Student

Kyle was named to the Twin Creeks Honor Roll for the fall semester!! What an accomplishment for him. We attended the ceremony on Tuesday night where we was awarded a pin to attach to his school ID, a certificate, and a bumper sticker for Mom's car. The school did not give out bumper stickers when Brandy attended middle school so as far as Kyle was concerned the bumper sticker was the best part. I called Kid Potential (the place that helped Kyle with tutoring for 2 years) and they were escastic. I'm scrapbooking a page to be framed for their office. After all the difficult days Kyle has had this was one of the shining moments in his school career!