Friday, March 20, 2009

Spring Break!

I have cleaned house, done laundry, redecorated rooms of the house, cooked new dinner dishes with the help of Brandy, and started walking in the mornings with a neighbor. What a great week this has been.

Kyle has been a little bored but at least everyone is rested for the last push to the end of the school year. Kyle has worked on his 4-H projects. The Tri-Club show is next Wednesday-Saturday. This afternoon the beginning of a new backyard begin as Mike and I start a new project. Maybe we won't kill each other over it!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spring Has Arrived!

First, I want to follow up on my first grade friend. He is awaks and doing as well as expected. The cancer is very aggressive in nature so he starts radiation this week and then chemotherapy will follow. Please continue to pray for him and his family.

The bunnies have arrived for the 4-H Show March 26-28. Kyle has a pen of five. All are still alive and growing and pooping which is what bunnies do best. Amazingly the dogs have been really good and don't even seem to notice them. The bunnies are in the garage and the dogs are in the backyard. We are going to the Houston Livestock Show during Spring Break as it happens to be the rabbit show March 18-20. We need to check things out as Kyle really seems to like 4-H. We will post pictures soon.

Our Spring Break is March 16-20. We are staying in town busy with lots of activities but staying in the Houston area. Brandy has wiggled herself into the soldout Taylor Swift concert (it's all about who you know) and she is thrilled.